Weather forecast for June 12, 2023 in Los Banos, California

On our website you will find weather forecast for June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 74° (74° — 84°)
Feels like 73°
Pressure 1009 hPa (1009 mb)
Humidity 50%
Clouds 57%
Wind 6 mph
June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 69° (69° — 75°)
Feels like 68°
Pressure 1010 hPa (1010 mb)
Humidity 61%
Clouds 73%
Wind 3 mph
June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 59° (59° — 63°)
Feels like 58°
Pressure 1011 hPa (1011 mb)
Humidity 77%
Clouds 79%
Wind 4 mph
June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 57° (55° — 57°)
Pressure 1009 hPa (1009 mb)
Humidity 81%
Clouds 79%
Wind 6 mph
June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Weather Clouds (overcast clouds)
Temperature 60°
Feels like 59°
Pressure 1007 hPa (1007 mb)
Humidity 76%
Clouds 90%
Wind 8 mph
June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Weather Clouds (overcast clouds)
Temperature 60°
Feels like 59°
Pressure 1007 hPa (1007 mb)
Humidity 79%
Clouds 89%
Wind 10 mph
June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 77° (68° — 77°)
Feels like 76°
Pressure 1004 hPa (1004 mb)
Humidity 38%
Clouds 70%
Wind 11 mph
June 12, 2023 in Los Banos

Clouds from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 81°
Feels like 80°
Pressure 1003 hPa (1003 mb)
Humidity 29%
Clouds 83%
Wind 14 mph